New service: Source Code Management
The Importance of a Source Code Management Tool
As the number of lines of code and the number of project contributors grows, the communication costs and management complexity also increase. SCM is a critical organizational burden reduction tool that helps development teams work faster and more efficiently.
Using version control software is the best practice for development teams and DevOps as it helps to reduce development time and increase the number of successful releases. It also allows for efficiency and flexibility to be maintained as the team expands to include more developers.
What is IBA Cloud Code?
IBA Cloud Code is a developer service with built-in version control, task management, and CI / CD integration. Code allows you to securely store code, maintain a project and a bugtrack in one service. It is a single application for the entire DevOps lifecycle that enables teams to work better together and deliver more value to customers faster.
IBA Cloud Code is based on Gitlab
The most widely used modern version control system in the world today is Git. Git is a mature, actively maintained open source project. A huge number of software projects are stored on Git systems, including commercial projects as well as open-source projects.
GitLab is a fully integrated software development platform that allows your team to work transparently, quickly, efficiently, from discussing a new idea to releasing it on a single platform.
We chose GitLab because it is a robust, robust, and constantly evolving software lifecycle management application. GitLab contains many useful tools. Updates to it are released once a month.
IBA Cloud Code best features
Hosting code in version-controlled repositories
Build, test and deploy with built-in Continuous Integration.Reviewing code in Merge Requests with preview changes for each branch with Review AppsTrack suggestions for new implementations, bug reports, feedback with a fully-featured Issue Tracker.
SSO Integration
Use a single username and password for different services.
Task board
Track tasks and report progress without switching between products. Full control cycle through one interface: from the appearance of a task in the backlog to its complete solution.
Built-in tools for CI / CD
GitLab offers built-in continuous integration and delivery mechanisms. Use them to build, test, and deploy a website or web application. Submit merge requests for joint, controlled project management.
The commits are cost-free and easy to implement. They should be done frequently to capture updates to the code base. Each commit is a snapshot that the codebase can revert to as needed. Frequent commits make it easier to roll back changes in your code. For convenience, a group of commits can be merged into one using squash and merge.
Each commit has a corresponding log entry. When a commit is created, this log entry is filled with a comment. Leave explanatory comments for commits. These log messages become the history of the development of the project and leave a trail for future contributors to review.
Preview changes before commits
IBA Cloud Code offers a "staging area".The staging area can be used to collect a bunch of edits before committing them, and to manage and review changes before creating a snapshot of the commit. The staging area thus provides a buffer area that helps manage the contents of the commits.
Use branches
Branching is a powerful IBA Cloud Code engine that allows developers to branch out into a separate development branch. Branches allow multiple developers to work in parallel on separate tasks. These tasks, as a rule, represent different functionalities of the product. When a branch is complete, it can be merged into the main branch.